Monday, April 12, 2010

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I guess along with the good, we should also blog the bad and the ugly. This pregnancy has been too easy some may say, I haven’t had any morning sickness, no irrational craving, and I am not the size of a house just yet. Last night we got enough scare to make up for all of the ease of the first three months of Sprout’s incubation. There was bleeding, which was more than I could deal with at the moment. Stephen, being nine hours away, could nothing for me and even my parents, 3 miles up the road, felt helpless. We called the doctor’s office and spoke with the doctor on call. He definitely put us at ease. Since I was not having any cramping, the blood was a bright red color, and was not continually flowing he didn’t seem very concerned but said I should come in first thing in the morning for an ultrasound which would tell us more. If cramping or bleeding worsened throughout the night to go directly to the emergency room. Mom came and spent the night with me and I made it through the night with no or very little bleeding at times and numerous prayers on my rosary. We got the doctor’s office at 8:30 am, right when they opened. They brought me back for the ultrasound first and when the nurse said something about the heartbeat, I am not even sure what she said about it but all I knew was that there was a heartbeat in there. Talk about a relief and an answer to all of our prayers. She went and brought my mom in and then turned little Sprout on the big screen. Sprout was squirming all around, we have a wiggle worm already. The heartbeat was a very strong, at 158 beat per minute, and Sprout is just the size he or she should be at 13 and a half weeks.

Now that we knew our little Sprout was doing just fine in there, what was causing the bleeding? We went in to see my doctor to get the answers. I have a low lying placenta which is common early on in a pregnancy. A small blood clot has also formed on the placenta which will dissolve over the next few weeks as my uterus grows and the placenta shifts further away from my cervix. The doctor said that there was no need for panic, to just take it easy, and we will monitor the placenta closely over the next few weeks. We were all so relieved that everything was alright. Sprout was just calling for some extra attention.

The good, the bad, and the ugly. God has a plan for each of us, we are just along for the ride.

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